82 amafayili amahle kakhulu emlandweni we-cinema

Okukhunjulwa kakhulu, ukusika imemori kuze kube phakade.

1. Inyanga ka-2112 (2009)

2. I-Black Swan (2010)

3. I-Psycho (1960)

4. U-Mulan (1998)

5. I-Forrest Gump (1994)

6. I-nightmare e-Elm Street (1985)

7. Ngamehlo amakhulu avaliwe (1999)

8. Shine (1980)

9. Ukuphila nokufa e-Los Angeles (1985)

10. Izinja ezimbi (1992)

Lalela Funda Kudivayisi kuphela Kwengeziwe Buka Kufakiwe 11 2001: The Space Odyssey (1968)

12. Ubuhle ngesitayela saseMelika (1999)

13. I-Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)

14. Inglourious Basterds (2009)

15. Window egcekeni (1954)

Uhlu lukaSchindler (1993)

Buka Kufakiwe 17 The Glorious Guys (1990)

18. I-Dzhango ekhishwe (2012)

19. 007: Ukuxhumanisa "Skyfoll" (2012)

20. Indiana Jones: In Search of the Ark Lost (1981)

21. Mad Max: The Road of Fury (2015)

22. Ukuqala (2010)

23. Train to Jarjiling (2007)

24. Uphi wena, mfowethu? (2002)

25. Inhlanzi enkulu (2003)

26. Pleasantville (1998)

27. I-Apocalypse Namuhla (1979)

28. I-Star Wars (1977)

29. Thelma noLouise (1991)

30. Harry Potter kanye ne-Order of the Phoenix (2007)

31. Umgwaqo (2009)

32. Eziyisikhombisa (1995)

33. Life of Pi (2012)

34. Endle (2007)

35. Ukugijima phezu kwe-blade (1982)

36. Fight Club (1999)

37. Amafutha (2007)

38. Ama-Marines (2005)

39. Mississippi ngomlilo (1988)

40. Isihogo (2007)

41. The Nightmare Ngaphambi kukaKhisimusi (1993)

42. Indlela uRobert owesaba ngayo abulala uJese James (2007)

43. Alien (1979)

44. UHarry Potter kanye noMjele we-Azkoban (2004)

45. I-psychopath yaseMelika (2000)

46. ​​I-zombie egama linguSean (2004)

47. Fight Club (1999)

48. Izinkinga zokuhumusha (2003)

49. Kudinga Iphupho (2000)

50. Umbono ophikisayo (2002)

51. U-Akira (1988)

52. I-Pulp Fiction (1994)

53. I-Romeo noJuliet (1996)

I-Case Of Curious of Benjamin Button (2008)

55. Ukungaboni (2002)

56. I-Gladiator (2000)

57. Enyakatho ngasenyakatho-ntshonalanga (1959)

58. Rocky (1976)

59. I-Truman Show (1998)

60. Mad Max (1979)

61. Idolobha likaNkulunkulu (2002)

62. Ukukhanya Kwangunaphakade Kwe-Spotless Mind (2004)

63. INkosi yamaRings: I-Fellowship of the Ring (2001)

64. I-Tron: Ifa (2010)

65. I-Wrestler (2008)

66. Ukufuna iNemo (2003)

67. The Dirty Harry (1971)

68. Ukubalekela eShawshank (1994)

69. Moulin Rouge (2001)

70. Umbuso Uhlaselwa (1980)

71. Ubulale uBill Ingxenye 1 (2003)

72. I-Clockwork Orange (1971)

73. I-Dark Knight (2008)

74. Ukulondoloza i-Private Ryan (1998)

Iminyaka engu-75 yobugqila (2013)

76. Amelie (2001)

77. Oldboy (2005)

78. Ingane Yomuntu (2006)

79. Jurassic Park (1993)

80. Umakhelwane wami Totoro (1988)

I-Matrix (1999)

82. Ukuhlawulelwa (2007)